Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 US Payroll Tax Updates

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 US Payroll Tax Updates

This page contains the latest download link for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 US Payroll (R2 and R3).

NOTE:  Please be sure to always install the latest hotfix as they are cumulative of all the tax updates. 

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Refer to the Installation Guide for how to install hotfixes for Microsoft Dynamics AX2012.


Payroll for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 and R3 both require the following prerequisites:
  • NEW for 2016-R5 and later: Installation of the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 SP1 Redistribution Package on all machines running an AOS:
     (x86 and x64):
  • NEW for 2016-R5 and later: Installation of the Microsoft .NET 4.0 Framework on all machines running an AOS:
     (x86 and x64):

Important Notice to Customers

We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before installing service packs or hot fixes. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the service pack(s), hotfix(es), or download(s) being installed. A service pack, hotfix, or download may cause interoperability issues with customizations, and third-party products that work with your Microsoft Dynamics solution.

2012 R2 Downloads

DownloadDescriptionFile type
Baseline installerThis file contains the components necessary to bring the application code up to the compatible version for the latest US payroll tax update below.EXE
Updated May 2014
2017-R1This file contains the components necessary to install the latest US payroll tax update for Microsoft Dynamics AX
2012 R2.
Updated December 2016
This document describes the installation process and the tax updates included in the latest US payroll tax update for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2.PDF
Updated December 2016

2012 R3 Downloads

DownloadDescriptionFile type
2017-R1This file contains the components necessary to install the latest US payroll tax update for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.EXE
Updated December 2016
This document describes the installation process and the tax updates included in the latest US payroll tax update for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.PDF Updated December 2016
We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before installing service packs or hotfixes. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the service pack(s), hotfix(es), or download(s) being installed. A service pack, hotfix, or download may cause interoperability issues with customizations, and third-party products that work with your Microsoft Dynamics solution.


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